Finding Your True Purpose in Life Through Clarity

chelsea montgomery

Finding Your True Purpose in Life Through Clarity.

Chelsea Montgomery is a certified Health and Life Coach with a major focus on clarity. She works with clients 1:1 or through corporate wellness programs to unpack thoughts and beliefs that hold you back from reaching your greatest potential.

I stumbled upon Chelsea and her work after attending an online master class called power, purpose, and productivity that she held. Her insights, and knowledge really connected with me and I knew I had to get her on the podcast to share her analogy around clarity and purpose with the north star. I thought that you would really connect with her work and her message as well. In this in-depth conversation we cover what it really means to be aligned with what you want in life, and how to actually get to a space of clarity and purpose with everything you do.

Some of my favourite takeaways and topics covered from this conversation… 

You’re a Human Being

You are a human being not a human doing. What are the things about YOU that make you good at what it is that you do aside from the title of it? I think this is such a good question to think about as we sometimes wrap our identities up in extrinsic things. 

Joy in Responsibility

Find the joy in responsibility. When you take responsibility for things, you enact the power to change things. I wanted to connect this point with a piece from the book ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck’ by Mark Manson: With great responsibility comes great power.

North Star

What is your north star? What’s the thing that drives you and fulfills you in life? This isn’t necessarily a job or something external, but something deeper than all of that. Collecting gold stars isn’t a bad thing, but be careful not to get lost in all that and lose sight of your north star.

And So am I

And so am I. If you think something positive or negative about another person then add ‘and so am I’ to the end of it. Often times you can only recognize and see in others the things that are inherently within yourself.

Your Desires

You do not desire anything that you don’t inherently know you can have. I repeat, you do not desire anything that you don’t inherently know you can have.

Connect with Chelsea here.

E xx


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