How to Get Started Building & Marketing Your Business Idea

kelsey reidl

Figuring Out Your Niche, and How to Get Started Building & Marketing Your Business Idea.

Recently I got to sit down with Kelsey Reidl, a marketing and business coach that created the Vsionary Method. She helps her clients take their big ideas, break them down into small manageable chunks, and build businesses that generate revenue and scale. If you’re looking to start a business, hone in on your niche, and get started in the world of marketing then you’re going to love this episode. We touch on so many points that will inspire you to take action and bring your visionary dreams to life. 

One thing I love about Kelsey and her visionary method is that she really focuses in on going deep before going wide. Learning to create that one stand out offer that you can be the expert in before expanding. It’s all about simplifying in order to create something that can then expand and grow.

Some of my favourite takeaways from this conversation with Kelsey Reidl were:

Slight Edge

What is your slight edge? You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but how can you make that frozen pizza a little better than all of the other frozen pizzas? What’s your positioning?

Follow Your Truth

As difficult as it is to feel like the black sheep among your family and friends, it’s important to follow your truth and do what you need to do when making transitions in your life. You have to believe in yourself more than anyone else will.

What’s Your One Thing

When you’re building your business or product, what is it that you want to be the expert in. What is that one thing that people will come to you for. You don’t want to be the doctor offering the patients a 100 different medications and expecting them to chose - you’re the expert, so own it!

You Don’t Need to be Everywhere

You don’t need to be everywhere online. Figure out where your target customer is and show up there. Start creating 1 long form value driven piece of content and then break that down into 5 bite sized chunks to share online.

Connect with Kelsey here.

E xx


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