Feed Yourself Nutritious Information

Feed Yourself Nutritious Information.

How many times have you found yourself completely consumed in negative content. Maybe an hour, even two went by and you didn’t even notice? How did that affect your mood? Did you get heated? Get a pit in the bottom of your stomach? Face palm? The question is, why do we do this to ourselves?

I have gone through a full out rollercoaster ride with social media over the years and I’ve really tamed my use of it down. To me, peace of mind and calmness is something I truly value and I had to reflect those areas of my life where I wasn’t getting either of those. Social media was a big culprit for cluttering up my peace of mind. I would read twitter religiously and get myself all worked up reading threads for soooo long. This was probably a good 6 month period where I was just obsessed with reading twitter comments and eventually I knew I had to make a change. I deleted the app off of my phone and my life started shifting. It was like a weight was taken off of my shoulders. I was willingly surrounding myself with negativity every single day and it was in turn negatively affecting my view on the world. Twitter was the first app for me to part ways with, then facebook, snapchat and then finally the news.

Mark Manson talks about consuming nutritious information, and I really think that’s so important just like anything else in life. If you want to feel good then you need to eat healthy and nutritious food. If you want your mind to feel good then you need to consume healthy and nutritious content. Why would it be any different? I now surround myself with people who promote mindfulness, and positivity, I also love to consume anything about philosophy, or shifting my mindset.

My point is, if you are willingly surrounding yourself with negative content then your life is going to reflect that. It will affect your mood which will in turn affect your relationships, your performance at work, you might snap quicker at silly situations, it becomes a ripple effect. Not even consciously does it become a ripple affect it’s just something that takes over your mind and slowly shifts your view on the world.

E xx


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