Astrology 101: What You Need to Know

eve mari, inner temple healing

Astrology 101: What You Need to Know.

I recently had Eve Mari on the podcast who is an evolutionary astrologer and it was such an informative chat. Eve broke down the basics of astrology in an approachable way that was perfect for beginners. The conversation was so full of value if you’re looking to get into astrology or just to understand it a bit better. Here is a site that I use to get my birth chart if you wanted to look yours up. This post I wanted to break down some of the key points in an astrology 101. I hope you enjoy and don’t forget to listen to the full episode here:

You can connect with Eve here & book your own chart reading!

You Actually Have 3 Signs

Most people are only aware of their sun sign, when in actual fact you have 3 signs. The sun, moon and rising ( or ascendant ). Eve describes it as an onion with the outer layer being your ascendant, then you peel back a little and get to the sun and then the moon is the inner part. Here’s what they each mean:

Sun Sign

This is the central part of our nature. Eve likes to describe your sun sign as a verb rather than a noun, so instead of saying I AM a Gemini, you should say I MUST Gemini. When doing it this way we take care of our soul energy, and we feel more in alignment. Our sun sign is more like our path in life, it’s something we’re constantly evolving into and moving into. We’re constantly building it throughout our lifetime.

Moon Sign

The moon connects to a deeper part of our nature and how we can understand our emotions. It is the basis for our instinctual personality, and it is very key in our chart. We often see ourselves as our moon sign, this is how we instinctually express ourselves. It speaks to what we need to feel nurtured as well.

Ascendant Sign ( or Rising Sign )

Our ascendant is how we appear to the world, our mask or the image that we portray if you will. It’s also the lens in which we see the world. This is what people see first when they meet us.

The 12 Houses in Astrology

The houses show different areas in our life. There are 12 houses in your birth chart that represent the different stages in your life.

  1. House of Self ( ruled by Aries )

  2. Material Life ( ruled by Taurus )

  3. Communication ( ruled by Gemini )

  4. Home Life ( ruled by Cancer )

  5. Creativity ( ruled by Leo )

  6. Health and Service ( ruled by Virgo )

  7. Relationships ( ruled by Libra )

  8. Death and Transformation ( ruled by Scorpio )

  9. Travel and Spirituality ( ruled by Sagittarius )

  10. Career / Life Mission ( ruled by Capricorn )

  11. Friendships and Social Circles ( ruled by Aquarius )

  12. Dreams and Unconscious ( ruled by Pisces )

If we have a lot of planets in a specific house then that area has a lot of emphasis in our lives. We might see things popping up throughout our lifetime in that area. Depending which planets land in each house will affect how things show up in your life. For example whichever house your moon is in is where you will have emotional needs.

The Planets

Each planet also means something within your chart. The planets are mostly the ‘what’ in your chart. For example the planet of mercury is the planet of communication depending which house and which sign your mercury lands in will affect how you communicate.

Another example is the planet of venus which is the planet of love and relationships ( so it’s how we love, what we value etc. ). If you look to see what house and sign it’s in then you can see how love manifests in your life. Eve also mentions that it’s important to note the element of the sign that your planets fall into, so if it’s in a sign that is air, you will experience love through the mind first. You like to connect intellectually or communicate, and that’s sort of what pulls at your heart strings.

  • Sun: Ego / Consciousness ( ruled by Leo )

  • Moon: Instincts / Emotion ( ruled by Cancer )

  • Mercury: Communication / Intellect ( ruled by Gemini & Virgo )

  • Venus: Love / Relationships ( ruled by Taurus & Libra )

  • Mars: Action / Passion ( ruled by Aries )

  • Jupiter: Expansion / Growth ( ruled by Sagittarius )

  • Saturn: Structure / Discipline ( ruled by Capricorn )

  • Uranus: Eccentric / Unpredictable Change ( ruled by Aquarius )

  • Neptune: Dreams / Intuition ( ruled by Pisces )

  • Pluto: Transformation / Death / Power ( ruled by Scorpio )


There are 4 elements in astrology ( earth, air, fire and water ) that are all associate with a sign.

Earth: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Earth is the practical sign. They like to make things happen. They want to feel things. They are very in their body and like to build. It’s not just theory, it’s tangible.

Air: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra

Air is cerebral, we tend to operate from the mind. Air signs love to communicate and are very interested in people and humanities. Things tend to be more objective to air signs.

Fire: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius

Fire is enthusiastic, inspiring and instinctive. They are quite warm and inspiring to other people. There is often a strong creative force with fire.

Water: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer

Water tends to be more subjective. It’s more emotional, intuitive, sensitive and empathetic.

These are some of the main aspects of astrology. You can pull up your birth chart and start to get a general understanding of how all of these things come in to play. It’s important to look where you planets land ( house and sign ), and then begin to analyze how they all work together and what elements are involved. You can calculate your birth chart on this site here!

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about astrology!

E xx


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