Opening up to Plant Medicine & Creating a Whole New Path

Opening Up to Plant Medicine & Creating a Whole New Path.

Recently I had the pleasure to sit down with Jonathan de Potter, the founder of Behold Retreats. Behold Retreats is a wellness service that facilitates journeys of self-discovery and transformation with the proven benefits of plant-medicine therapy.

Jonathan’s journey to creating is own path began when something felt out of alignment. He had an objectively great life with a good corporate job, great family and friends, but he felt something was missing. He ended up taking a year sabbatical to travel South America where he wound up attending his first ayahuasca pant medicine retreat. His experience ended up changing the trajectory of his whole life. 

The Importance of Setting Intentions

Set yourself a clear intention beforehand, get clear on your future self, and if you really anchor around that intention the medicine can typically show you what it is that you need to let go of in order to be able to manifest whatever it is that we’re looking to bring into our experience.

Emotional Blindspots

Most of us are unaware of our mental and emotion blindspots. Having a therapist or a coach to help you to recognize your own patterns and teach you tools to use is extremely helpful in preparation to any plant medicine work. It’s all about rewiring the brain to go from scarcity and fear based thoughts to love and abundance.

Part of the Tool Box

Plant medicine is a tool. It can help us connect to our true purpose but it doesn’t equate to happiness, and it’s not a magic medicine to solve all of our life problems. Happiness comes from within.

What Can I Give?

I loved what Jonathan said that more and more people are starting to ask what can I give, rather than what can I get. How can you share your gifts out into the world?

Being in Alignment

Alignment to purpose is in of itself a life long pursuit. As long as you’re passionate about what you’re doing, by definition you’re going to be more interested, more curious, and more delighted by your discoveries. Through that your life will become more joyful and you’ll manifest abundance of your contributions.

Find Behold Retreats here.

E xx


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